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Stone Golem

Refolded July 2020, but originally designed January 2018

Paper: 40cm tissue foil

A lot of the charm in origami are the illusions that can be used to make a single uncut square look like it's made of multiple sheets. Usually this means having multiple figures or having the figures holding things, but in this case there is an illusion that the rocks are kinda just stacked on top of each other to make the golem.

This crease pattern is composed almost entirely of long center flaps and level shifters that allow the model to look like it's made of wide rocks rather than a stick figure. However, there is a lot of wasted space (namely, above the head and to the sides of the body), so I would like to revisit and improve this model eventually one day.

Grid: 48x48

The original fold, designed and folded January 2018

Paper: 40cm tracing paper

I think few designs have demonstrated growth and improvement over time as this one has. Surprisingly, the structure of the crease pattern changed very little during the two and a half years between the two folds, yet they look dramatically different. The main difference is that the quality of my folded models jumped dramatically once I learned how to make double tissue, or in this case, tissue foil. I had also improved a lot in my shaping abilities and was able to give the model a bit of life and character.

So, tl;dr: Refold your old designs, you might be surprised how much you improve over time. And getting good paper makes a pretty big difference, your paper could be limiting you right now.